Thursday, November 27, 2014

Eggs, peas and quinoa lunch

You see I also have peas with this lunch. Um, I think I will have to use peas in a cleverer way as he says he isn't very fond of them. All suggestions welcome.

The quinoa salad is easy. I used half a cup of brown quinoa with a cup of water and cooked it for 20 minutes with a clove of garlic and a bit of soy sauce. I added chopped tomatoes and chopped spring onion and bit of oil and lemon juice. Quinoa is rich in protein so if you can find it use it for dishes for seniors who need protein.

Here is another photo of the quinoa salad

Quinoa has 4.4gm of protein per 100 gm of cooked quinoa. Not bad. Must measure this next time! Peas have 7gm protein for a cup.

Back to quinoa. It has heart healthy fats in it. Moreover here, from a website called, is a quote about its protein value: "Quinoa has significantly greater amounts of both lysine and isoleucine (especially lysine), and these greater amounts of lysine and isoleucine allow the protein in quinoa to serve as a complete protein source."

And of course it has more than protein

"Neither quinoa nor any grains qualify as good vitamin E sources in our WHFoods rating system. However, in the case of quinoa, or rating system does not do full justice to the fact that quinoa contains significant amounts of certain tocopherols (vitamin E family members) largely absent from most grains. For example, one cup of quinoa provides 2.2 milligrams of gamma-tocopherol—a form of vitamin E that has been more closely associated with certain anti-inflammatory benefits in health research. Quinoa is also a good source of RDA nutrients like folate, zinc, and phosphorus in contrast to whole wheat, which does not qualify as a good source in our rating system.

Quinoa is an equally impressive food in terms of its overall phytonutrient benefits. In many Central and South American countries, the leaves of the quinoa plant are valued for their betacyanin pigments, which provide some of their bright reddish shades. But even the seeds themselves can be phytonutrient-rich and can provide significant amounts of antioxidants like ferulic, coumaric, hydroxybenzoic, and vanillic acid."

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